Wednesday, February 07, 2007

modus vivendi

modus vivendi - n - A manner of living; a way of life; A temporary agreement between contending parties pending a final settlement.

This is a Latin term I find myself using more frequently in these unhappy times.

Now, completely off topic: What's with the current rash of militant, even vitriolic, atheism? I'm talking about the recent bestsellers by Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins (not to mention their TV appearances), Philip Pullman's prize-winning His Dark Materials trilogy, and the pathological and often obscene ravings of such as Amanda Marcotte (today's picture). I can understand their disbelief - there was a time when I shared it - but I can't understand their hatred. Any thoughts?


missive - noun - a written message; a letter

'Tis the season for these. Send an amorous instance to your sweetheart!


resale - n. - the act of selling again usually to a new party; a secondhand sale, an additional sale to the same buyer

Ahhh, resale shops! My favorite t-shirts are all from resale shops. They are soft, worn-in, and usually one-of-a-kind. Now wearing vintage is the "new thing." Those vintage stores in the mall charge ridiculous amounts for those clothes. I can understand paying a lot for the last original shirt from some rock concert in the '70s... but all that other stuff? ...nah, I'll stick to the good 'ole resale shops.

On another note, I stand behind my word for Monday. I may have used a different form of it before, but I think we've allowed for different word endings in the past. Perhaps I'm being licentious? I will search the spreadsheet a little more closely in the future, though.

Also, I added a word for yesterday. It's late, but it's there!