Friday, February 02, 2007


lechery - n. - inordinate indulgence in sexual activity

This word and yesterday's word create my theme for the next few days. While themes are good, unfortunately the nature of this particular theme keeps me from commentary.

We gotta keep this thing clean!


Jack said...

This particular subject demands commentary. Historians, in an effort to organize their material, divide American history into periods. For example there's a Federalist Era, an Age of Jackson, an Ante-Bellum Era, an Age of Roosevelt, and so on. I might suggest that, sex having become virtually a national obsession, we're living in the Age of Sex. For instance, the rise of militant atheism, as reflected in books by Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, S T Joshi, Christopher Hitchens, and many others, may be attributed to an earnest desire to prevent a rollback in the disastrous Sexual Revolution that began in the 60s.

Natalie said...

wow...I'm not quite sure what to say to that...

I'm not even close to being a historian like you are, but I won't argue that the Age of Sex might be an appropriate label for how things are right now. Makes you wonder what the future generations will be like, doesn't it?

wolfjb102070 said...

Keep it clean? What? Commentary, regardless of how racey is (in my opinion) always appreciated and desired, free speech being what it is.

Down with censorship!!

Well, okay, moderation is acceptable, I guess.