Wednesday, October 04, 2006


solace - noun - comforat in time of grief; alleviation of grief or anxiety.


mellifluous - adj - Sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding.

I am nearing the end of I Am Charlotte Simmons, and it's turning out to be one of the most difficult books I've ever read. If you plan to read the book, you should stop here, because I'm about to give away a major point in the story.

Charlotte has just "gone all the way" with a notorious serial seducer because she really, truly believed that he loved her. Charlotte, having succumbed to his mellifluous words, is no longer a virgin. Having given her all, she finds that he no longer has the slightest interest in her. In fact, he's giving all the guys who'll listen every detail of his latest conquest; by Monday, it seems like everybody on campus knows, and Charlotte wishes she could die. I felt like dying along with her.