Monday, June 04, 2007


perfunctory - adj - done merely to carry out a duty; performed mechanically or routinely; lacking interest, care, enthusiasm; indifferent

I'm am largely surprised I (or someone) have not submitted this word already. Although, at this point it largely describes my approach to work. Have you ever seen the movie, "Office Space"? It is largely a satirical treatise on the "normal" office environment. Largely (I think) inspired by the Dilbert comic strip. In one particular scene, the "contractors" are there to evaluate where cuts can be made and are interviewing each employee. The hero (antihero?) of the movie sits before these gentlemen and describes his approach to the day. "First I sit and stare at my computer. I do that for about an hour ..." and so on. He doesn't really like his work, his work environment, the company for which he works, etc. I relate to this particular character. However, the winds of change are blowing and a new day may be dawning...


aspirant - n - One who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position.

I myself am an aspirant - aren't we all? Unfortunately, "Time is the bridge that burns behinds us." The traditional three-score-and-ten just isn't enough time to achieve all my aspirations. If I attain salvation, as I hope to, I'm sure there will be a great library in Heaven; Hell's library will no doubt be packed to the rafters with Stephen King and Danielle Steele - yet another incentive (if one were needed) to live a Christian life.

Do I ramble? Very well then, I ramble! "I am infinite, I contain multitudes!" ;^D

Come to think of it, it's been a while since I posted one of my exquisite women. Today's example won't be to everyone's taste, but I think she's irresistible. She's the Vicomtess Othenin d'Haussonville, formerly Louise-Albertine de Broglie, painted by Jean August Dominique Ingres in 1845. In the days of my youth, I'd have followed those eyes anywhere.