indomitable - adj - incapable of being subdued or overcome; unconquerable
Tagging along with Jack here, in a different way. Often, an austere person is seen as indomitable either due to their sternness, or strict discipline.
Monday, October 16, 2006

austere – adj - Severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding.
Tangent: Is it acceptable to lie when it's done on behalf of a worthy cause? On the other hand, why would a worthy cause need lies to support it?
Tangent: The painting is John Singer Sargent's portrait of the daughters of Edward Darly Boit (1882). Recent commentary on this painting by a tenured academic whose name I've forgotten provides some insight into what's wrong with modern humanities. The appreciation of beauty has been cast aside in favor of the search for sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, etc. In other words, works are judged on their conformity to standards set by cultural Marxism, better known as political correctness.
First, the claim is made that the girls are mere objects. The reasoning is that they have no names! Well, a minute's search on the internet established that they do have names; standing left-to-right are Mary Louise (age eight), Florence (14), and Jane (12); the one sitting is Julia (four).
Second, the girls are wearing uniforms! (I'm not making this up.) As a matter of fact, they're wearing standard Gilded Age girl clothes: pinafores and opaque stockings. If the men in the house had been included in the portrait, you might conclude that they were wearing uniforms too.
Third - and most important - look at little Julia. Notice that her legs are spread, and what's that between them? A baby! Get it? Huh? Huh? Huh?
God save us.
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