Tuesday, July 24, 2007


revanche - n - The act of retaliating; revenge; A usually political policy, as of a nation or an ethnic group, intended to regain lost territory or standing.

The United States is now how to anywhere from 12 to 35 million revanchists. The beauty shown at left, Gina Lollobrigida, is not one of them.


tortuous - adj - Marked by repeated turns and bends; not straight forward; devious; highly involved or intricate

Well, today is my 14th wedding anniversary, and it should be noted that this word only applies to that fact in-so-far as it is used in the repeated turns and bends sense (as opposed to devious!). It has been a fun 14 years (with all those turns and bends), and I'm looking forward to many more of them (turns and bends included).