mandate – n - A command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative.
The midterm elections are over. The Republicans have lost the House, and, with Webb looking like a winner in Virginia, the Senate as well. There's one reason for these results: George W. Bush. The Republicans are supposed to be the small government, fiscal responsibility, traditional values party, but under our latest boy president it has become a clone of the Democratic party. The only downside I can see is that Bush will now get his It's-Not-Really-An-Amnesty bill passed, which will drive the final nail into the coffin of a once-great nation. That will be Bush's legacy. (I might also mention the North American Union, the NAFTA super-highway, the prescription drug boondoggle, the war on terror, the massive trade and budget deficits, and the Ted Kennedy education bill, all of which were [or are] enthusiastically supported by Boy George. He's accomplished something I would have thought impossible, viz., he's made Bill Clinton look good.)
I gave up voting after the 2000 presidential election, when I voted for Bush in the hope that he would be marginally less dreadful than Gore. In retrospect, I don't see how Gore could have been worse.
A wise man whose name I've forgotten once said that if voting could change anything, it would be illegal. This is even more true now that our real legislators are unelected judges. I hope someday to see a five-percent turnout at the polls. That might at least put a stop to any braying about mandates.
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