Tuesday, January 16, 2007


pulchritudinous - adj - physically beautiful; comely

I had in mind to add a link to a picture of something I consider extremely beautiful, but then thought perhaps it (the picture) wouldn't be well received. So I'll leave you with some ideas of things I consider beautiful, ranked in order of most to least. However keep in mind, the 'least' on this list is still extremely beautiful.

the unclad feminine form
vibrant Sunsets
the Ocean
flora in full bloom


Jack said...

Your examples of pulchritude closely match my own, especially the ocean; it's about the only thing I miss from New York. (I might have added examples of good art, literature, and music, but where would I stop?) Feel free to post a picture - for a Christian traditionalist, I'm very unprudish. Maybe if you post one of Young Nat we could draw her back to our peculiar institution!

wolfjb102070 said...

If only I had a picture of Natalie, I would indeed post it. :) She indeed fits the category of beautiful women.

Jack said...

One more thing: Sharon Lynch has been promoted to project leader.