nymphomania - n - Abnormally excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in women.
I was going to make 'satyriasis' my word for today, but - lo and behold! - it's already been used - and by me, no less! (I can't remember if I remarked that, when I was younger, I was "heterosexual to the threshhold of satyriasis," but if I didn't then, I will now. Absurd as it may seem, much of that remains as I pass from middle- to old-age. Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust has always been deadliest to me.)
I must have considered using today's word before, but no doubt refrained out of respect for that "rare and radiant maiden(?) whom the angels named" Natalie. Well, Nat's gone, and our daily institution need no longer be rated PG-13.
Check out one of my favorite sculptures, Gianlorenzo Bernini's Apollo and Daphne (completed 1625).
indeed, yet that particular exhibition could not be rated 'R' either, it is, to my eye, not more than a PG-13 (I'd let both of my 13 year-old children appreciate this particular work).
Good example though!
It is a great work, but Nat was often blinded to aesthetics.
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