Monday, July 09, 2007


sere - adj - dry; withered

And in unrelated news, here is an exquisite entry, which we haven't had in a while, from my favorite source, that is neither dry nor withered.


Jack said...

Exquisite is the word, and you're right - I've been remiss lately. There may be snow on the roof, but there's still fire in the furnace!

Jack said...

I know I have the reputation - and it's mostly justified - as the resident Victorian, but I just don't see pornography or anything remotely resembling it at Domai.

By the way, do you recall a painting I posted some time ago of Barbara Villiers, one of Charles II's squeezes? Did it strike you how svelte she was compared to most 17th Century women?

Jack said...

One more thing - how about that word game you invited me to join? When I finally got time to give it a try, you'd finished it. How do I play?

wolfjb102070 said...

The painting was particularly nice. I agree with you on the svelteness.

To play the word cross game, you just go to the website ( and press the play button. You can then invite someone else to play if you wish.